TAJA INVESTMENTS [ Sole Proprietorship ]


SP00582025 ∙ Registered


SME Classification: Not an SME



Business Names

Business names that are owned by TAJA INVESTMENTS

Name Number UPN
TAJA FOODS BN01382025 BN20250100576E

Business Activities

Business Activity Registrations that are owned by TAJA INVESTMENTS

Number Business Activity State Issued Date Expiry Date Business Name Address
BP01952025 4630 Wholesale of food, beverages and tobacco Issued 08-Jan-2025 - TAJA FOODS HIYAAFINIGE , Fareedhed Magu 20255 , K. Male', Maldives
BP01982025 9601 Washing and (dry-) cleaning of textile and fur products Issued 08-Jan-2025 - TAJA INVESTMENTS FUNAMAAGE AAGE, Bodufulhah Goalhi 20016, K. Male', Maldives


Business permits that are owned by TAJA INVESTMENTS

Does not have any business permit owned by TAJA INVESTMENTS


Business licenses that are owned by TAJA INVESTMENTS

Does not have any business license owned by TAJA INVESTMENTS