K. GAAFARU LAC Ltd [ Company ]

Secretariat Of Gaafaru Council

C22012024 ∙ Registered


SME Classification: Not an SME

Managing Director

Aminath Zeena

Board of Directors

Board of directors for K. GAAFARU LAC Ltd

Name Appointed Date
Aminath Zeena 09-Oct-2024
HANEEF ZAHIR 09-Oct-2024


Shareholders for K. GAAFARU LAC Ltd

Name Join Date
Secretariat Of Gaafaru Council 09-Oct-2024

Business Names

Business names that are owned by K. GAAFARU LAC Ltd

Does not have any registered business name owned by K. GAAFARU LAC Ltd

Business Activities

Business Activity Registrations that are owned by K. GAAFARU LAC Ltd

Does not have any business activities owned by K. GAAFARU LAC Ltd


Business permits that are owned by K. GAAFARU LAC Ltd

Does not have any business permit owned by K. GAAFARU LAC Ltd


Business licenses that are owned by K. GAAFARU LAC Ltd

Does not have any business license owned by K. GAAFARU LAC Ltd