ALI.J INVESTMENTS [ Sole Proprietorship ]

Hulhu male 11207 Goathi

SP23782024 ∙ Registered


SME Classification: Not an SME


Ali Ibrahim

Business Names

Business names that are owned by ALI.J INVESTMENTS

Name Number UPN
JUMPY GARAGE BN50542024 BN20240933287I

Business Activities

Business Activity Registrations that are owned by ALI.J INVESTMENTS

Number Business Activity State Issued Date Expiry Date Business Name Address
BP75862024 4540 Sale, maintenance and repair of motorcycles and related parts and accessories Issued 11-Sep-2024 - JUMPY GARAGE LOT 10690, Haivakarumagu 23000, K. Hulhumale', Maldives


Business permits that are owned by ALI.J INVESTMENTS

Does not have any business permit owned by ALI.J INVESTMENTS


Business licenses that are owned by ALI.J INVESTMENTS

Does not have any business license owned by ALI.J INVESTMENTS