HI-TEA [ Sole Proprietorship ]

Greenge, 19020, S. Hithadhoo, Maldives

SP16202019 ∙ Registered

SME Classification: Not an SME


Aishath Shiyama

Business Names

Business names that are owned by HI-TEA

Does not have any registered business name owned by HI-TEA

Business Activities

Business Activity Registrations that are owned by HI-TEA

Does not have any business activities owned by HI-TEA


Business permits that are owned by HI-TEA

Number Name Permit Type Status Issued Date Expiry Date
TS0283S22019 HI-TEA Tea Shops and Cafes Issued 19-Dec-2019 -


Business licenses that are owned by HI-TEA

Does not have any business license owned by HI-TEA