UNITECH [ Sole Proprietorship ]

Dhadimagu. Root

SP07132019 ∙ Deregistered


SME Classification: Small
Classified date: 31 May 2023


Mohamed Inaan Ibrahim

Business Names

Business names that are owned by UNITECH

Does not have any registered business name owned by UNITECH

Business Activities

Business Activity Registrations that are owned by UNITECH

Number Business Activity State Issued Date Expiry Date Business Name Address
BP36502021 3313 Repair of electronic and optical equipment Issued 14-Oct-2021 - UNI TECH Blue Cornet, Kaasinjee Magu 20060, K. Male', Maldives


Business permits that are owned by UNITECH

Does not have any business permit owned by UNITECH


Business licenses that are owned by UNITECH

Does not have any business license owned by UNITECH