CHILL TIME [ Sole Proprietorship ]

FINIFENMAAGE, -, HDh. Hanimaadhoo, Maldives

SP11282018 ∙ Registered

SME Classification: Medium
Classified date: 29 July 2022



Business Names

Business names that are owned by CHILL TIME

Name Number
Chill Garden BN46082021
Chill Hub BN08852024

Business Activities

Business Activity Registrations that are owned by CHILL TIME

Number Business Activity State Issued Date Expiry Date Business Name
BP27922021 551006 Guesthouses Issued 23-Aug-2021 - Chill Retreat Inn
BP61312023 561002 Cafeterias Issued 08-Oct-2023 - CHILL TIME
BP15962024 561002 Cafeterias Issued 21-Feb-2024 - Chill Garden


Business permits that are owned by CHILL TIME

Does not have any business permit owned by CHILL TIME


Business licenses that are owned by CHILL TIME

Does not have any business license owned by CHILL TIME